Of late this here blog has become more about my mishaps around the house and the yard than about the sky or, hey here’s an idea, music. And in fact this past week could warrant a lengthy post on the same. I removed a pyracantha bush last week (also known as, I learned later, the […]

Autumn Leaves / Winter Winds
Driving the sixty miles home from the Albuquerque Airport (or Sunport as it’s been somewhat annoyingly named) back to Santa Fe is always a shock to my system. On “paper” (now known as wikipedia), Albuquerque has about the same population as Atlanta. But unlike Atlanta, which seems to sprawl almost into Tennessee, once you leave […]

Salt and Pepper
A warning to you, kind reader: this blog entry has nothing to do with fatherhood, music, skies or anything else that other posts have considered. If those are the only topics you care to read me ramble on about, read no further. But if you’ve long wondered about my opinions on the controversial relationship between […]

A Brief Word on Train Travel
In the past few weeks I’ve had the distinct privilege of riding the rails through England, Belgium, Germany, France, Holland and these United States of America. If I knew an anthropologist, I might propose a study of cultural difference seen through the windows of the various moving trains. Instead, this hastily written blog will have […]

A brief word on train travel and the difference between Europe and America.
In the past few weeks I’ve had the distinct privilege of riding the rails through England, Belgium, Germany, France, Holland and these United States of America. If I knew an anthropologist, I might propose a study of cultural difference seen through the windows of the various moving trains. Instead, this hastily written blog will have […]

Salt and Pepper
A warning to you, kind reader: this blog entry has nothing to do with fatherhood, music, skies or anything else that other posts have considered. If those are the only topics you care to read me ramble on about, read no further. But if you’ve long wondered about my opinions on the controversial relationship […]

Autumn Leaves / Winter Winds
Driving the sixty miles home from the Albuquerque Airport (or Sunport as it’s been somewhat annoyingly named) back to Santa Fe is always a shock to my system. On “paper” (now known as wikipedia), Albuquerque has about the same population as Atlanta. But unlike Atlanta, which seems to sprawl almost into Tennessee, once you leave […]

The Kick
Of late this here blog has become more about my mishaps around the house and the yard than about the sky or, hey here’s an idea, music. And in fact this past week could warrant a lengthy post on the same. I removed a pyracantha bush last week (also known as, I learned later, the […]

Good Fences
Yesterday I found myself teetering atop a metal patio chair, a seven-pound sawzall in my hand and maybe 200 yards of daisy-chained extension chord trailing behind me. I had decided to trim the wooden fence between our yard and our neighbor’s (for those of you wondering, I wisely chose not to use my axe). It […]

Think of the Pioneers
(Pictured: The path to the gig…what you can’t see is the wind.) A long overdue post coming to you from my kitchen in Santa Fe. I just returned home from a quick tour in the upper midwest. Chicago, the middle of Wisconsin and the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, to be exact. The astute among […]