Last night, Sarah and I went to a tiny listening room in Santa Fe to hear Alan Arkin read poetry accompanied by Bruce Dunlap on guitar. I knew Bruce as a virtuoso on guitar. But I didn’t know much about Alan Arkin’s skills as a poet. Turns out I still don’t know much about his […]

Heavy Skies
It’s been a hard few days to keep the chin up. I’m still in a sort of stunned state, unable or unwilling to read or listen to much of the news. It’s too much to stomach. Too much to bear. As you know, I have a 6 year old. He’s in kindergarten. This is him […]

Desert Snow.
We had our first real snow of the season on Sunday. Five inches by most counts. A foot- and-a-half by Jackson, Noah and my estimate. You choose your source. Noah was awake as it was falling and couldn’t stop looking at it coming down. He now understands that it does come from the sky as […]

Eyes in the Sky (and underwear on the kitchen floor)
Took Jackson to his first silent film last night. Charlie Chaplin’s “The Circus.” I brought him because I thought he’d find it funny, for sure. And did he ever. Eclipsed only, perhaps, by how hard I was laughing. It was a little embarrassing. I had forgotten what a genius Chaplin was. After last night, I […]

The Breath of Poseidon
Went back to Berkeley for Thanksgiving (evidenced by sky 60, pictured above, which was a moment where the sun broke through the fog, and pictures 58, 59 and 61 in the instagram series). My mom (yes, “my mom,” not just “mom”–if I haven’t mentioned it before, that’s one of my pet peeves. For brief reference […]

Blue and Gold
Some of you who have been a show of mine recently may know about the other series I’ve got going. There’s “100 Skies,” sure. But there’s also the less known (as it’s just for an audience of 2) “Song of the Week.” 100 Skies, of course, is a sky a day for 100 days. Above […]

#100 Skies turns 50. Chin Up and Cross ’em Off.
I’ve never been one to cross off days on a calendar. You see that sort of thing a lot behind counters at the Jiffy Lube, for example, or maybe above the desk of a public-school secretary, at the DMV for sure, perhaps at a travel agency (when such things still existed). It’s an odd concept. […]

The Road to Il Signore and a New Album
When we were in Corsica, Sarah and I did an amazing hike up to an old crumbling watchtower over the Mediterranean. It was steep and hot and super exposed to the sun and wind. And when we got to the top of the tower, we leaned out over a sheer drop of a few hundred […]

Snow and the Seasons.
Winter came this weekend. When we woke up yesterday there was a different glow coming through the blinds. Snow. Okay, just an inch. But that still counts. That’s still snow. (And yep, that’s snow in ‘dem hills above.) Noah and I were the only ones up, so I took him over to the big bay […]

Chin Up!
When Ohio went blue, and the election was called, I went into Jackson’s room and woke him up. “Hey buddy,” I whispered. “Buddy, Obama won. He won!” Jackson rarely wakes up when I come in late and kiss him goodnight, but last night he rolled over, opened his eyes and smiled so sweetly that I […]